The PDO logo (Protected Designation of Origin) is a European recognition attributed to those products whose production phases take place in a geographically delimited area and is rigorously in compliance with a precise production specification with respect to a traditional recipe. The characteristics of the territory, from a geographical (defined as a group of natural factors such as climate and environmental features) and human point of view (relative to the production techniques passed down through time, craftsmanship and specific manual skills), together allow to obtain a product inimitable outside of the prescribed production area.
PGI recognition (Protected Geographical Indication) is instead attributed to agricultural and food products to safeguard the quality, reputation, recipe or characteristics of a specific geographical region, in which at least one phase of the production and/or processing and/or elaboration of the products takes place.
Only those products that demonstrate a consolidated and codified production tradition, an inseparable tie with the area of origin, an appropriate socio-entrepreneurial fabric and which succeed in achieving high qualitative levels, certified by external bodies of control, may aspire to obtaining and retaining the sought-after European Community designations and inscription in European register of PDO and PGI products.